

The extinction of the human species by biological weapons is by no means a negligible possibility. If you think that I am exaggerating, read the following quotes from authoritative sources:-

The first series of quotes are from the book Our Final Century, by Professor Martin Rees, published by Arrow Books, 2004. (He is the fifteenth Astronomer Royal, appointed in 1995, and was Master of Trinity College, Cambridge from 2004 to 2012 and President of the Royal Society between 2005 and 2010.)

Page 54:- Rees quotes a report by The National Academy of Sciences. “Just a few individuals with specialized skills - - - - - could - - - easily produce - - - lethal biological weapons that might seriously threaten the US population.” The author tells us that “All over the world there are people with the expertise to undertake genetic manipulations and cultivate microorganisms.”


(My comment:- Did The Coronavirus appear “naturally”, or was it deliberately bio-engineered? If the latter, would anyone ever admit it? Has Professor Rees won his bet? Perhaps we will never know. Incidentally, to make a bet or wager of that kind might be considered as being “pretty sick”!)

Page 48:- Rees tells us that (Russian Premier) Boris Yeltsin admitted that various deaths had been caused by “anthrax spores that had leaked from a Biopreparat Laboratory” Rees tells us that “To mount a catastrophic attack - - - - the manufacture of lethal - - - - toxins requires modest scale equipment - - - Thousands of individuals, perhaps even millions, may someday acquire the capabilities to disseminate weapons that could cause widespread (even worldwide) epidemics,”

Page 55:- Rees tells us of an experiment at The State University of New York which ASSEMBLED A POLIO VIRUS USING DNA AND “A GENETIC BLUEPRINT THAT COULD BE DOWNLOADED FROM THE INTERNET.” (My capitals.) Rees tells us that HIV and Ebola could be created even now by assembling a chromosome from individual genes.

Rees tell us that “The blueprint of the ebola virus - - - - is already archived. There are thousands of people with the skills to assemble it, using strands of DNA that are available commercially.”

Page 56:- Rees tells us “A succession of differently engineered viruses for which there is no immunity or antidote could have - - - - catastrophic effect worldwide - - - for instance - - - - A VARIANT OF AIDS THAT IS TRANSMITTED LIKE INFLUENZA (ie:- airborne)” (My capitals.)

Rees tells us “Strains of bacteria can be developed that are immune to antibiotics.”

Page 58:- Rees tells us “The main thing that stands between the human species and the creation of a supervirus is a sense of responsibility among the individual biologists.”

Page 61:- Rees tells us “A single person can, by one clandestine act, cause millions of deaths.”

The following is a quote from The New Yorker (magazine), issue for November 16th 2015 – Article:- Humans 2.0 (Subtitle:- A Powerful New Technology Enables us to Manipulate Our Genetic Code With Ease. How Will We Use It.), by (Author) Michael Specter (Adjunct Professor of Bioengineering at Stanford University):-

“Ordering the genetic parts required to tailor DNA - - - - Yan - - - navigated to an order form for a company - - - - that synthesises biological parts. It takes orders online, so if I want a particular sequence I can have it here in a day or two - - - - - Researchers can now order online almost any biological component, including DNA, RNA, and the chemicals necessary to use them. One can buy that parts required to assemble a working version of the polio virus (it’s been done).”

The following quote is from the book How Everything Can Collapse, by Pablo Servigne (an agronomist with a PhD in biology) and Raphael Stevens, published by Polity, 2020, page 78:- “A team from Stanford University showed that using botulinum toxin to contaminate a single silo of 200,000 litres of milk in The United States could kill 250,000 people, even before the origin of the contamination had been discovered.”

The next quote is from the book Global Catastrophic Risks edited by Nick Bostrom (Director of The Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University) and Milan M, Cirkovic (Professor of Cosmology in The University of Novi Sad (Serbia), published by Oxford University Press, 2012 – page 23 (of The Introduction to the book by the editors – cited above):-

“A group of Australian researchers - - - added the gene for interleukin-4 to a mousepox virus - - - another group produced a version of the virus that was A HUNDRED PERCENT LETHAL IN VACCINATED MICE DESPITE THE ANTIVIRAL MEDICATION GIVEN TO THE ANIMALS” (My capitals.) The authors continue:- “The polio virus has been synthesized from readily purchased chemical supplies - - - the time needed to synthesize a virus genome comparable in size to the polio virus has been reduced to weeks - - - - The complete genomes from hundreds of bacteria, fungi, viruses – including Ebola - - smallpox - - - the 1918 Spanish influenza virus – have been sequenced and DEPOSITED IN A PUBLIC ONLINE DATABASE - - - - The technological barriers to the production of superbugs are being steadily lowered even as the biotechnological know-how and equipment diffuse ever more widely.” (My capitals.)

The following quotes are from the book Conspiracy Theories, by Jamie King, published by Sumersdale, reprint 2010:-

Page 251:- The author claims that The SARS virus (8000 cases, 800 deaths) (according to scientists in Russia’s Academy of Medical Sciences) was a cocktail of mumps and measles “that could not have formed naturally”.

Page 263:- The author claims that The H1N1 strain of influenza (swine flu) (Thousands of lives lost) was “an improbable mix of genetic elements from bird flu, swine flu, and human flu”, and was an artificially created virus.

The following quote is from the book The Long Emergency, by James Howard Kunstler, published by Atlantic Books, 2005, page 176:- The author mentions the “malicious release by parties still unknown of weapons-grade anthrax in - - - - a Senate office building, which confirmed the susceptibility of The United states to a biowarfare catastrophe. Given the two week incubation period for - - - smallpox, there is nothing to stop a malicious “carrier” from going - - -(to) airports, sports stadiums – without anyone suspecting. - - - - International intelligence agencies have warned that KNOWN TERRORIST GROUPS HAVE ATTEMPTED TO PURCHASE BIOWARFARE AGENTS - - - - - no one knows whether they have been successful.” (My capitals.)

The following quotes are from the book Global Catastrophic Risks edited by Nick Bostrom (Director of The Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University) and Milan M, Cirkovic (Professor of Cosmology in The University of Novi Sad (Serbia), published by Oxford University Press, 2012 – Article:- Biotechnology and Biosecurity, by Ali Nouri and Christopher F. Chyba (Professor of International Affairs at Princeton University).

Page 460:- The accidental contamination of workers, and the subsequent escape of viruses from highly contained laboratories, have occurred a number of times.”

Page 467:- Ebola-Zaire can kill up to 90 percent of the infected – within several days after symptoms surface. - - - attempts to generate vaccines to Ebola have, thus far, proven unsuccessful. In 1992, the Aum Shinrikyo sent a medical team to Zaire - - - to procure Ebola virus - - - -the event provides an example of a terrorist group intending to make use of a contagious virus.” (The author also cites other terrorist groups who have purportedly attempted to procure biological weapons.)

Page 468:- “Pneumonic plague is an airborne variant - - - - of the “black death” - - - - believed to have wiped out a quarter of Europe’s population in the fourteenth century. ”